
Monday 11 February 2013


I know several people who have never worked yet they have got free council flats and get their rents of over £500 a month paid and their repairs done for free by the council. I have worked and paid taxes all my life yet all I get is £56 towards my mortgage interest. My family have been helping me out with money to pay my mortgage each month.
I now face the prospect of selling my flat to pay off my debts and move into private rented property. The DHSS allow you to have only £6,000 in the bank you can have up to £16,000 but you lose £1 for every £250 off your personnel allowance up to the £16,000 maximum. The system is encouraging people to spend money on unwanted cars etc just to get their bank balances below £16,000. Seems stupid to me when most cars are foreign made. In the long run once I move into rented accommodation it will cost the DHSS more and make it much harder for me to find a job that pays the rent and leaves money to survive on.

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